B4uDie Fest
Comedy Calendar
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Those Aren't The Words - A Musical Comedy Game Show
"Those Aren't The Words" is a musical comedy game show where contestants compete for points in challenges revolving around song parodies. Comedian Kevin O'Fee hosts this playfully irreverent, toe-tapping good time all over Los Angeles, most notably The Nitecap and The Broadwater Theater. Contestants perform an original song parody in the first round and then go on to play a series of musical improv games to compete for points awarded by a panel of judges. You'll laugh, you'll dance, but you can't sing along because THOSE AREN'T THE WORDS!
Featuring: Ali Lu & Baldev Sandhu
Friday April 5th * 9pm * Koot’s Main Room*
21+ * General Seating Available
9pm show
Featuring: Ali Lu, Baldev Sandhu, Meg Goetz, Mao Tosi and MORE!
Hosted by: Kevin O’Fee